Saturday, February 22, 2014

Mea culpa.

I have done wrong. Did I have any intention for it to turn out this way? No. I didn't see it coming. But it came from a place of people, needing a point of contact. A connection was made. I dipped in rather than was wise. I wrecked it because my folly was misaligned to my thoughts of what was 'right'. I behaved inconsistently because my actions were inconsistent with my thoughts, the ideal state I wish to be in. My need for human contact overbearing 'right'. Was it bound to happen? Yes. My heart is misaligned.  I hurt others in the process, discarded my reputation, put myself to shame.
My only need to justify is mea culpa. We are messy by nature. Feelings, thoughts, intentions, get messy. This was my mess.  It doesn't make it okay. It is what it is.

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