Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A day of little gems, like magic gleaming from the ordinary;

A child I have been trying to woo, who I thought hated me, who I overheard informing the drinks aunty that 'this teacher is very nice' as I was walking away to help his friend, who was stuck with a bicycle lock which couldn't open. I couldn't believe it was him, I wanted to go back and ask him, what did you just say?

The being able to help the boy release his bike from the lock, by wedging it with a hammer - which I just did to give it a shot, not really thinking it would work. It was WIN that it did. And the boy, usually 'too cool', who was cool enough to really say thank you, more than once.  No matter how 'cool' they try to look sometimes, mostly they are polite sweethearts.

The father who waited at the side of the road as I brought his son back, and grandpa. Asking if I wanted coffee, awkwardly. And the child who called just to chat and say he 'lied!' when he said 'Sorry wrong number' yesterday.

And the lesson remains the same- be open, and things will come to you, connections happen.

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