Saturday, January 28, 2012

that cosmic disruption

how often do you feel it? how often does a look, a touch, throw your world off balance, tipping on the fuzzy sides of a dream? how often does that incendiary gaze burst sparkles in the base of your spine, lights up your world. and then you are thrown into a dream, and then you know no matter what life throws in the way, you are still in a dream, and that cosmic source to which you return constantly for fresh air, can still make you smile through the tears, every time.


and when you know that you are two adults, capable of carrying this weight of the cosmic disruptions, able to bear it, to protect it, and to harness its truth, then you know you are set for life. you know that what the stars have aligned, you must bear together, care together, as fragile as it is and as fragile as the both of you must be... you have a duty to guard this spark breathed by God.

what else can love be?

it is the cosmic interference that disrupts the air around us

that thing that lets us know we knew each other the day we were born, the day the universe was created in His eyes. it came to us as it was always meant to.


i am not that capable adult yet, for as often as i like to think otherwise, i prove myself a child - with childish desires, selfish needs, fisted hands. i will get there eventually, but you must not wait - and that is as it is. but what light has found out, let it find true. as it has shone us into the seemingly impossible, it will show us a way through, shine through, through what is transparent and through what is impermeable, through the dark corners and through the unreal, exposing the truth from the lies, showing the way out. guided by light, this will be our dance. and let no one box it any other way. let no one keep out the light.

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