Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Let's try that again:

If we are not careful to guard our thoughts and actively pursue truth, there is danger that we may unwittingly develop a mindset of exclusivity, and approach all our issues as us vs them.

We may not realize it, and our intentions may be well. It may be the very thing that we say we fight for. but it may have been programming, developed through years, that needs to be confronted, unhinged.

We need to learn to see further - climb the hedge and look beyond it. Or else in the same quest for justice or godliness, we end up enforcing the very thing that hinders love. there should be no division between children of God. if God sees our hearts through His eyes, so much so we need to see through human eyes.

We must learn to see beyond. The day when buying bread can be racist, is the day we all need to check ourselves. Check our responses - do we have, hinged in our mind, that there is 'us' on one side and 'them' on the other?
It is not the government. it is not the issue of scholarships or rights or privileges or what others have done. Our own thoughts, the words that we say, are suspect, and we may not even know it.

let us not be caught blind.

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