Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stop asking me to take a side

I don't know much about politics, but i do know by now that things don't happen in black and white.
Even when we were younger it was the action that we were taught was evil, not the whole being - breaking the glass = bad; telling a lie = bad; smoking = bad. Sure whoever was doing that was painted automatically as 'a bad person' at that time, but we all have fibbed, broken promises and littered enough by now to know that its not as simple as that. its not just black or white.

stop asking me to take a side, because it just doesn't work that way. we dont all occupy opposite extremes, we don't have to be either us or them. i don't have to be bipolar to have a stand.

families don't work that way, clans don't work that way, racial communities don't work that way, companies don't work that way, countries and nations don't work that way, religious communities don't work that way.
we can't take any of these groups as wholesale bad or wholesale good just because.

we don't make the lines of good and evil between people. no one group is complete evil and no one group is complete good. the line of good and evil doesn't happen between groups and communities, that line cuts within each of us as individuals.

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