Friday, April 4, 2014

But I must stop living as if it is for other people.

I must stop doing things just because I think others would approve, and start doing things regardless of what people think. I must stop shifting my life around fear - fear of what people think, fear of failure, fear of being vulnerable. Because, true - while this is how you have lived your whole life - while you have been wired to drop your eyes and your gifts at the gaze of others... your tomorrows are wide open. They have not yet been written. And if you do not set yourself free, you will die in fear.

This fear has caused your life to be a trap. It has caused you to be lonely. It has caused you to be inefficient, unproductive. It has caused you to enter depraved, desperate relationships. It has caused you to be self-destructive. It has caused you to shift your feet, head hanging low, under the weight of a big black cloud. It has caused you to be silent when you should have been speaking out. It has caused you to tie your arms down when you were moved to act. It has caused you to be deeply, deeply unhappy. Deeply unsettled. It has caused you to engineer everything you've had the urge to attempt to stay small, to stay below the radar; it has caused you to crumble and bolt the moment the opportunity for greater things appeared.

If you keep shifting your life around these lines of fear, you will die unfulfilled.

Re-set yourself. SPEAK. SING. WRITE. DANCE.

DARE. Make DARE your motto, not 'what if''. DARE, and fail, maybe, but the DARING is success in itself. It is Courage itself. It is what 'DOING' is made of. the DARE to fail. the DARE to move inch by inch, the DARE to come within reach, and breathe, of making something happen.

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