Tuesday, February 21, 2012


there are times when you want to trap him up, wrap him tight, never let go, of course.
hold him close, so close to your heart. you will never need anyone else. or perhaps..
desire makes you want to say everything you should say, nod the ays and nay the nays. trade in your flesh for seven pounds of Life... life-loved.

your eyelashes gentle on each others nothing weight, nothing weighs, you just lie, barely apart, barely touching, but in between the two of you... the cosmic dance. stars linger. in that space time suspends. life, suspends. life=loved.

you breathe deep and straighten your back - because the line between embracing the loved and choking a prisoner is so slight. you fight against your basest instincts,
and let go.

that is all the love you know.

Love, and love. the difference of white on white, just like the difference between life and death.

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