Saturday, April 25, 2015

the other side of grief

If I could turn back time only once, i wouldn't have went back to any other moment but that one, when i thought it wouldn't matter if i pushed harder, when there was a momentary lapse when i wasn't thinking. just one stroke of that little syringe. i would have turned back to that moment and stopped. and remembered that i was human. and that you were alive.

I'm so sorry, Chihiro. you trusted me to care for you and I betrayed it. I betrayed our friendship. i caused you to suffer. i forgot that we were friends, and that you were a living being. i took it for granted. i became inhumane.

I will always miss our moments - when you were better and i was relieved, and you followed me just to sit on my foot as i worked. When i called you and you came to me, although you were only tiny and learning. When you kept looking out for me, even when you were sick, thats all you wanted. when you slept on my lap, when you placed your head on my arm. I loved you truly. I'm sorry for what i did, for that moment of impatience and frustration at you. i didn't mean it. i didn't mean it. i was anxious for you to get better and ended up killing you. i'm sorry.

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