Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Teacher Thoughts

1. Care. That is number one. It starts from the heart. If you care for them, if you learn their names, they will know it. They will fall into your circle of influence. This will show in your attitude towards them - in whether you smile at them, how you greet them.

2. Be consistent. Do not lower the expectations. Do not bend the rules. Do not 'pick your battles'. Make the rules clear from Day One. Hold it every.time. Each day's goal is 100% students 100% doing what you want, what they need to succeed in this class.
This consistency is what will change their behaviours; change their lives. Also apply it to yourself. Be consistent with routines and structure.

3. Make routines. Anything that will be repeated. Make it a routine.

4. Do not repeat things. Say it once, follow through.

5. Do not raise your voice or show emotion / frustration. Always tow the line of the management system. Rest in it doing its job.

6. Teaching English is building blocks. The basic brick is vocabulary - words. Build word banks. Then sentences. Then passages.

7. Make charts.

8. Create jobs from day one. Kids invest in being an active participant in classroom culture building.

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