Monday, June 2, 2014

On ageing

Feeling 'Time', tangibly :

When you find in yourself bitterness - at someone else's happiness, at something in the past, at something you want but cannot have. Departure from innocence. A great divorce.

When you hear yourself warning a young girl, and you hear your voice as an echo of what older people used to say to you when you didn't understand, with all the 'myths' of danger you took for the bothersome worries of adults, and you see them looking at you how you used to look at them, with the childish innocence of pure things - a departure between ideas of pure love and ravaging sex.

When at first glance of teenagers you glimpse them through your own teenage eyes and feel within a flutter of curiosity that you used to feel for wanting to get to know your peers - and you realize these are children, you are a whole generation apart - your feelings and thoughts are worlds apart.

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